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发布日期:2023-12-28    作者:     来源:     点击:

李兴国,汉族,19743月生,黑龙江省依安县人。博士,教授,硕士生导师。办公点:园艺楼309-3室 (0451-55191191),手机: 15145036688;E-mail: xingguoli@neau.edu.cn


1993年9月 至19977月  东北农业大学园艺学院 果树学专业 学学士;  

19979月至20007月  哈尔滨市天联出租汽车有限公司,职员

2000年9月 至20037月  东北农业大学园艺学院 果树学专业 学硕士;

2008年9月 至2014年12月 东北林业大学 学院  森林植物资源学专业  农学博士;

20037月 至  东北农业大学园艺学院讲师、副教授历任果树系副主任,设施农业科学与工程系党支部书记等职务。


中国园艺学会小浆果分会理事、黑龙江省园艺学会常务理事;黑龙江省三区人才精准扶贫专家、省级科技特派员。International Journal of molecular science客座编辑、Frontiers in Plant Science、Functional & Integrative Genomics等杂志审稿人。







4.国家重点研发计划子课题项目2022YFD1600501-7):黑龙江省软枣猕 猴桃适栽品种筛选及关键高效栽培技术研究2022.11-2026.10 40.00万元


1. 通讯作者. Overexpression of MxWRKY53 increased iron and high salinity stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant (SCI, IF=2.6, JCR二区, 他引次数:9次). 2022, 58: 266–278.

2. 共同一作. Overexpression of a Malus baccata MYB transcription factor gene MbMYB4 increases cold and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (SCI, 中科院二区TOP, JCR一区, IF=6.208; 他引次数:31次). 2022, 23, 1794.

3. 通讯作者. Molecular cloning and characterization of MbMYB108, a Malus baccata MYB transcription factor gene, with functions in tolerance to cold and drought stress in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (SCI, 中科院二区TOP, JCR一区, IF=6.208; 他引次数:25次). 2022, 23, 4846.

4. 第一作者. Isolation and functional analysis of MbCBF2, a Malus baccata (L.) Borkh CBF transcription factor gene, with functions in tolerance to cold and salt stress in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (SCI, 中科院二区TOP, JCR一区, IF=6.208; 他引次数:17次). 2022, 23, 9827.

5. 通讯作者. Overexpression of a Fragaria vesca MYB transcription factor gene (FvMYB82) increases salt and cold tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (SCI, 中科院二区TOP, JCR一区, IF=6.208; 他引次数:19次). 2022, 23, 10538.

6. 通讯作者❈. Overexpression of a Malus baccata CBF transcription factor gene, MbCBF1, increases cold and salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. (SCI, 中科院二区, JCR一区, IF=6.5; 他引次数:19次). 2022, 192: 230–242.

7. 通讯作者. MbICE1 confers drought and cold tolerance through up-regulating antioxidant capacity and stress-resistant genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (SCI, 中科院二区TOP, JCR一区, IF=6.208, 他引次数:8次). 2022, 23, 16072.

8. 共同一作. Isolation and preliminary functional analysis of FvICE1, involved in cold and drought tolerance in Fragaria vesca through overexpression and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. (SCI, 中科院二区, JCR一区, IF=6.5, 他引次数:16次). 2023, 196:270–280.

9. 通讯作者. FvMYB44, a strawberry R2R3-MYB transcription factor, improved salt and cold stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Agronomy (SCI, 中科院二区TOP, JCR一区, IF=3.949; 他引次数:3次). 2023, 13, 1051.

10. 第一作者. Cloning of an anthocyanidin synthase gene homolog from blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) and its expression at different fruit stages. Genet. Mol. Res. 2015,14 (1): 2726-2734.

11. 第一作者. Cloning of avonoid 3´,5´-hydroxylase and 3´-hydroxylase homologs from black currant (Ribes nigrum) and their differential expression at various fruit maturation stages. J. For. Res. 2019, 30(2):463–470.

12. Functional Analysis of F3'5'H and Patterns in the Accumulation of Anthocyanin in Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum). 2020, 24:945‒952.

13. 通讯作者. Overexpression of MbERF12, an ERF gene from Malus baccata (L.) Borkh, increases cold and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana associated with ROS scavenging through ethylene signal transduction. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant 2021,57:760–770.

14. 第一作者. Structural and Biochemical Characterization of a Polysaccharide Isolated From Vaccinium uliginosum L. Starch - Stärke 2022, 74, 2100109.







获奖、品种、专利 等

1. 2009年4月通过黑龙江省品种委员会审定黑穗醋栗优良品种一个(第三名




1. 近年来,指导本科生30余人(已毕业19人),年均指导本科生主持SIPT项目1项。

2. 指导及协助指导硕士研究生40余多人获得国家奖学金